Monday, May 16, 2011

My Legs

When I think about my legs, I consider the following:

I have hiked more than 14,000+ feet multiple times.
I walked out of a hospital.
I marched down the aisle to get married to the love of my life.
I pedaled through NYC's 5 boroughs.
I stood on a surf board in the Pacific ocean.
I snowboarded down the Rockies.
My legs carried me on snowshoes during hut trips.
I strolled across the stage to receive my bachelor's degree.
I've stood in rivers to catch fish.
I stomp to create Rocky Mountain Thunder at Invesco.
I sauntered across the stage to receive my master's degree.
Freckles decorate my legs.
I walked my dogs throughout our neighborhood.
I danced with my husband.

My legs are not long. My legs are not thin. My legs are pale. My legs are healthy and strong. My legs are powerful. They are beautiful and wonderful. I love my legs.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Awesome! I love this almost as much as your legs. You rock those legs.